Hindi Translation

Hindi Translation

Hindi is the official language of India and spoken by approx 180 million people. Hindi is written in Devanagri script and it draws much of its vocabulary from Sanskrit and Urdu. All the Indian languages have common roots and the native speaker of any regional language finds it easier to understand the modern form of Hindi. Hindi has played a prominent role in the country’s civilization, culture and heritage.

The Government of India is playing a key role in the technological development of all Indian languages. In the language industry, Unicode standards are widely used for the development of multilingual softwares. Indian scripts are also included in the Unicode standard, thus making all the Indian languages compatible with the latest technology.

There is a global demand of localization in Hindi. To meet this demand and to deliver the high quality accurate translation, Word Edge has created a separate division which deals with the translation of only Hindi language. We have a team of well qualified & finest Hindi linguist in general, legal and technical domain.  We possess strong knowledge on the stylistic, technical and technological aspects of the Hindi language. We are aiming to make Word Edge to be considered as INDIA’S biggest center for HINDI language.

We offer Hindi translation in various fonts like Mangal (default), Krutidev, Shreelipi, Shusha and Baraha.